Katie Moriarty-Hopper - Narrative

Unheard Playlists Against Homelessness

Body Care

Everybody Knows Somebody
Arden University

Making Credit Work For You

Dan's Quitting Story
Katie has directed multiple UGC/Real People campaigns and been responsible for the research, casting and pulling together of content on hundreds more (including the iconic Dove campaigns and the recent, highly emotive NHS/ITV ‘Clap for Carers’). Having founded real people casting and research agency Raw Research , Katie has years of experience tracking down the perfect people and location for any project, inserting that magical moment, that face that just draws you in. She has an enviable network of both, having worked on so many campaigns over the last few years. Having founded Raw Research in 2018, Katie was a casting researcher/director/producer prior, and has vast experience in this area. We love the way that Katie entices great performances from people, helping to create campaigns that draw you in. She has recently directed work for Asda, Vodafone and Always to name but a few.