Tom Merilion - Documentary

STS 90


Buzuruga Boys
Cheka Sana Foundation


48 Hours In Shetland
Tom cut his teeth as a director making music videos for indie guitar bands, trance music producers and old rockers. This was followed by a move into directing commercials at RSA, kicking off with a bunch of Sainsbury's commercials with Jamie Oliver. He then went on to direct campaigns for clients including Aviva, Ford, Vodafone, Coca Cola and BT.
Tom brings a wealth of experience to every job with his photographic eye, intuitive casting choices and storytelling. His work crosses several genres and he is as at home shooting Buzz Aldrin with a crew of sixty as he is self-shooting a street-connected child in East Africa.
Away from directing Tom is an accomplished photographer having had his work exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery and Welcome Trust. A keen open water swimmer he has swam the English Channel and through the balmy crystal clear waters around Manhattan with his Belly Flops relay team.