Joe Giacomet - Comedy


Chad's Valley
Tots Town


Joe Giacomet is a photographer hailing from North Wales (don’t let the jazzy name fool you).
With a behemoth of a portfolio that not even he knows what to do with, he’s shot everything from global print campaigns to quirky animations via footballers and cute recipe books.
Described as being industrious, Joe’s always working on something, whether it’s a commercial brief or some odd artistic project that’s floated past him.
Originally getting into photography through making skate videos as a teenager, he jumped into studying graphic design and then moved to London to work as a photography assistant. Working for some illustrious names, he honed his talent before leaping out to do his own thing.
In recent years he’s been directing more, incorporating his well known colourful comedic style and making it move. All of this he does with the same 110% care, passion and attention to detail.
In his spare time he tries not to disappoint his dog, do pilates and drill his brain out to techno.